Be the change...
Be the change...

My original creative post that I posted on my Instagram page today as a daily inspiration post (my handle is @stylishdrea86_). On my daily morning scroll down my timeline I randomly came across this specific quote and it was the answer to all of my recent frustrations I've had this week! I've seen this particular quote before but this time it gave me a peace and understanding that I needed. After I used the font and color I wanted I later realized that the different shades of purple-"changes." Pointing out the word "change" in the quote above; there are so many things I wish people that I actually care about would just get. Sometimes I feel like I can change someones mind or stop them from going down the wrong path or making a bad decision, especially if that's a test I experienced in my life through trial and error and I passed. Shortly after, I began to feel more at peace when I read "Be the change..."
Meaning I need to be the change be the example, be the person-that can stand and say hey, this actually can be done! People like this do exist! You can still succeed through adversity...whatever the adversity may be. At the end of the day you are only responsible for YOUR actions and your choices. So it's my job to make sure that I am choosing correctly. Whether its friendships, the right job/career path, significant other, people I choose to hang with-make sure I don't make a big decision life-changing out of loneliness or frustration/ readiness for something new. Timing is everything! Things maybe slower now because you may simply need to take time for yourself to grow.
When the timing is right, you won't break under pressure. You will be able to be that friend, wife, mom, business woman that you need to be! Lead by example is also a good phrase to use for "BEing the change"I want my words to be effective so I must live out my message. This message applies to me first. I have to make sure I am taking the necessary steps of being the change. Make progress by changing old habits into new positive habits that will lead you towards your goals long and short term.
Some of my GOALS:
- Created my first Fashion blog- my 1 year blog anniversary just took place on Dec. 25, 2015
- I joined two blogger/writer organizations Bham Bloggers and See Jane Write
- I enrolled into now 3 e-courses for blogging and styling
- Networking at events has become one of my favorite things to do
- Continue to build my blog while creating my brand and business (weekly goal)
- Create really good business cards
- Eventually turn my blog into a website
- Turn my blog into a business
- Become a successful Fashion Designer/Entrepreneur
- Become a positive Public Speaker and Author
- Pick a group of amazing Creators to help me with my business (My Team)
- Travel
- Become a wife and mommy
- Give back
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