Photo Journal.

Enjoy the journey. That’s what this photo is all about. No matter the obstacles that you may face in life you can still succeed. Stop making excuses. You’re not too old, it’s not too late, who cares what other people may think. You have to do this work for you. Besides being inspired by this photo to write about the journey. How breathtaking is this view ?😍
It may seem far fetched but I am the model and photographer in this photo. I am also the stylist as well. How did I get this shot? Well today’s technology allowed me to set a timer. It wasn’t easy going back and forth posing and un-posing to get what I had in mind, but it turned out beautiful. This is currently my favorite fashion photograph. I am wearing — J Crew
Every now and then I find photos on Instagram that inspire me to react the same in my own photos. This self portrait is no different. I love the shapes in this picture. I love using this mirror to capture my look. I love my fall colors 🍂. And my afro is sitting pretty in a nice shapely poof. I took inspiration from @spicy.mayo.

These are all currently my favorite visual photographs from my Instagram. I decided to write captions about what each photo means to me. I definitely will be creating more photo journal posts in the future.|| 

I’ve really been working on my Instagram aesthetic: Follow me here @stylishdrea86_


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