What Are You Passionate About AND Why?

I was almost going through writer's block so I decided to answer one of the writers prompts from the Jane Jumpstart lesson today. Well its obvious that I am passionate about FASHION.  

This passion stems as far back as me being a toddler when my parents put me in fashion shows to model for Parisians and the impromptu photo shoots I would do. As a teen fascinated with magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, Ebony, Jet etc. An adult modeling in fashion shows here and there in college, studying fashion by reading books or watching red carpets or fashion police... OH and I cannot forget America's Next Top Model. I learned so much from this show in its 20 something cycles. That show taught me about the Business of the modeling/fashion industry. So grateful for Tyra Banks for creating such an epic show focusing on FASHION!

 I am fascinated by it ALL! I think I was born to do something in fashion. There are several different kinds of fashion: daytime wear, evening wear, street style, and then there's High Fashion. High Fashion or Haute Couture is my favorite to study. It is innovative. It is art. It is sometimes wearable and sometimes left to just marvel at the construction. I love to learn about the designers. What was their inspiration behind the look they created? What inspired the fabric choice? I have all kinds of questions lol.

I want to start my own business one day. Launch my own clothing line. It's a goal of mine that I've had for a few years now. I will continue to study the art of fashion, the ins and outs of the business, and of course save up until that day comes.

  • I am wearing @burlingtonstyle from head to toe.
  •  Photo cred: my brother- taken on my IOS 5s (I have to give him credit because these photos turned out amazing!)


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