Be About That Action

With all the things that have been going on in the world today, it felt nice to hear some positive words from the beautiful Beyoncé. In her dear class of 2020 speech I felt as though she was speaking to me. One part in particular she said “be about that action.” Meaning don’t just talk about it, don’t just dream about it but be about that action- put in the work! I felt that.
She also talked about her success and failures taking ownership when opportunities for female women of color aren’t that great, creating her own table and inviting talented overlooked people to take a seat. It was so refreshing to hear her speak. I even saved the video so whenever I need to be encouraged I can go back and listen. Today on my Instagram and Facebook I shared a picture with the caption “God, Goals, Glowing, Growing.” This caption is always relevant in my life because I am a constant work in progress.
God- because I consider him to be the answer to all things in my life.
Goals- because I am working on obtaining and conquering a few things.
Glowing- because in my picture I am glowing. People may not see what I’ve overcome but God’s grace has caused me to glow.
Growing- because everyday I am growing.

To change the subject a little....
Sometimes I worry about who supports me and who doesn’t and I wonder should I even go on. There are a lot of people I know who won’t even double tap on my posts. And it makes me sad, it’s just a tap to show your support. It doesn’t take much, I don’t understand. But I also know it’s up to the individual to be supportive or not- it’s a choice. I can go on a whole rant about this. It gets under my skin because I am supportive to everyone and I feel like I get less than what I put in. It’s very frustrating. Instead of feeling sorry for myself for too long I want to remember and continue to “be about that action.” To not give up. It gets hard sometimes but someone out there needs what I’ve got.
Be strong and courageous. No one said this would be easy. Continue to write on. You never know who’s reading.


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