My Bio.

Hello my name is Andrea Turner of theestylish1 blog. The purpose of this blog is to inform my readers my critique on red carpet fashion and personal style. I also like to write about the blogger events that I attend. 
I first fell in love with fashion as a teen and it then expanded into adulthood. My hope is that you will gain a clear understanding of what fashion is and how you can take your own wardrobe to the next level. I hope that you learn the depth of fashion the high and low end of price and quality. 

Besides my love for fashion I also love Beyoncé. The way that she tells her story through music, fashion, and visuals is pure’s magic. I’ve always admired and been at awe of her. She is a true artist and boss. My favorite Beyoncé album will have to be “4” my favorite visual album currently is “Lemonade”. That may change because she is constantly working on new projects. Last night on the BET Awards she premiered her new film “Black Is King” I can’t wait to check it out. So what does Beyoncé have to do with my bio? It has EVERYTHING to do with me and who I am as a person who loves the art of fashion. She inspires me to be greater. 

In my hometown I am apart of two blogger organizations See Jane Write and Birmingham Bloggers. Both have been beneficial to me as a blogger especially SJW. I have found a community and it’s pretty dope! Since being apart of these organizations I have gained recognition from a few celebrities which is awesome. I blog because I love it. It is a hobby of mine. One day I may take things more seriously and try to get paid for blogging. But for now I will continue to blog just for the love and art of it. 


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