March Madness

In March I've kept busy doing a number of things like visiting the Birmingham Museum of Art, taking a stroll downtown, visiting a local floral nursery, and shopping for new wardrobe for Spring. All of these things helped me to find inspiration + keep my creativity flowing. My perspective changes when I find beauty in the day. No matter what obstacles I face I still have a choice on what I give my attention and energy to. This year I have really been cautious about how I spend my time. Time is something that you can never get back once its gone. I realized that when I turned 30 a few months ago still feeling very under accomplished and the realization that I can NEVER say that I'm 20--anything anymore was very scary for me. But now that I've accepted it, I am willing to change the things and habits I no longer like and practice on becoming the best version of MYSELF.

I learned that I love to take photos of nature and the things around me it just lights my little world up. Flowers are so beautiful and in their own right teaches us so much about growth. We have to water our dreams, spread light, sometimes go through the dirt or dark times to strengthen us --it helps us to survive a lot like flowers. This is the photo I shot using my iphone with no filter, the definition is just breathtaking. I think I have an eye for photography.

The next few photos are of me shopping or finding my happy with new Spring wardrobe. Taking a photo downtown on one of the sunniest of days was cool and sitting on a work of art at the museum was definitely a highlight during March madness.


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