Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman?
“Wrong woman to ever sleep on.”
I read this quote on Instagram and at first I wanted to immediately repost it but I began to think what if people think I’m bragging about myself even if I actually believe it. So instead I saved it and waited to share. I feel like I have lived up to this statement in a number of ways. From taking care of a sick parent, to living with mental illness, to starting a blog, finishing 4+ years of college AND going back to school in the fall, working at a prestigious clothing company and the list goes on. I would say I am a badass! I have overcome a lot of adversity on my road to success.

But success means different things to different people. Life has taught me not to compare journeys to anyone. No I don’t have a gazillion degrees yet and I try not to equate this accomplishment as “successful” persay. I’ve seen people win in life who have never stepped foot on a college campus. I’m talking making millions of dollars. But that’s a story for another time. A lot of times I feel like I am not doing enough. I recently came out of my shell and shared a huge thing on one of my biggest and favorite social media platforms. It was very personal. But I felt like it was time.

Sometimes I feel like my work is not noticed enough. Sometimes it gets discouraging but I never can quit, I love this work too much. You have to love what you do. I want to make a living with a creative career. I was born for this, it is what I am here to do. I read something today that said “ do not despise small beginnings.” My blog is a small beginning but if I remain faithful and consistent it can turn into something huge. What is your small beginning? Are you willing to tend to your dream even when no one is clapping for you? Are you willing to sacrifice time spent out with friends to build your business? What are you willing to do? How far are you willing to go to succeed?

My secret weapon is tunnel vision. Not looking to the left not looking to the right but staying and paying attention to my own lane. This has gotten me so far and it continues to be the driving force of my dreams/visions. Am I Wonder Woman? I would like to think so.*

Wearing H&M 
I do not own the rights to these poses.


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