Be Creative...

Be Creative.

Everyday of each week I journal and sometimes I make entries in my sketchbook whenever I find inspiration.

Today I have posted here one of my entries. I have a recent quote written by one of my favorite writers, Alexandra Elle her Instagram handle is (alex_elle). I always like to jot down encouraging things in specific journals to record them for a day that I maybe feeling a little discouraged. On the next page is an illustration I sketched myself using graphite and ink. I saw this really cool print background on Instagram and I thought to sketch it. Sketching is a hobby that I love to practice in my free time.

One of my goals or visions for this year is to progress creatively, "think outside of the box" push through writers block and be more creative with photography and also maximizing the things that I am given. I know as a new blogger and aspiring entrepreneur I have little to work with but I no longer want to use that as an excuse not to try. You have to start somewhere, instead of complaining figure out ways to turn things that may seem insignificant to something quite extraordinary one day at a time. 

I want to continue using my gifts to increase my skill and share them with my readers. Tunnel vision is key for me, put my passion into action and pray for the best!


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