Am I Insecure or is this Fear? A Journal Excerpt

Today I did something very Brave. I signed up for an event, not for beauty (modeling) but more for my brain (wit). I didn't see this coming 7 years ago because I've always wanted modeling as a career. I wouldn't say I've given up completely on modeling but I prefer more of the business side of the industry than anything now.

Let's be realistic I am 30. I will be 31 exactly four months from today. With time, you age and in the modeling world I would be considered old although I often get that I look twenty-one. (*inserts praise and worship hands*). Considering what I've gone through in these past seven years it's amazing that I am still this beautiful. I have been through some pretty ugly horrific traumatic experiences that I don't care to expand on right now. But I know it's by God's grace that I am who I am inside and out.

Okay, back to the event I signed up for—︎ if I get accepted it will be my first time working as a blogger vs actually modeling in a show (which is very different for me). I would be representing my hometown and culture. Which ever way this goes I know it's for the best. So I won't get too involved emotionally (lol). 

I've seen a million posts about it and at first I wasn't going to signup. And then I asked myself why the hell not? I am totally qualified for this experience: I have 2.5 years of blogging experience under my belt, I have been accepted into two blogger organizations See Jane Write and Birmingham Bloggers, I already write about the events that I attend locally, I am passionate about fashion hence fashion blogger, I am creative, I am serious about what I do and I got a retweet from Solange, like thee Solange. (OMG!) All of these qualities out weigh WHY I did not want to signup or fill out the application at first.


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Ask yourself today, what is stopping you from expanding your brand or taking your blog, book, business etc to the next level? Confront it. Conquer it. Feel the fear but do it anyway! *


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