Show Love Anyway*~*~

  • Last year I randomly got the idea to start promoting love, and I found this really cool shirt that is one of my favorite t'shirts by the way that has the word "love" on it and its definition. I thought that it was cool and right on time for what God had placed on my heart to promote. So many people are desperate for a "real love" and so many people are searching in all of the wrong places. First thing first "God is love and love is the greatest gift." So I encourage you to get to know God personally today fall in love with Him first and he will direct your paths. -Yours Truly
  • I also would like to share this intersting post by @Heatherllove and @croydon_pinkypromise ministries that I thought was on time for the message I want to get across in todays entry:
"Whether you're a mother, wife, or single or courting! You are amazingly amazing! Last year you dealt with all the issues thrown at you and I know there were times you cried and wanted to giveup but you didn't and you're here in 2015. And I don't want you to think that any one persons problems are bigger than the other! For the bible lets us know that everyone has according to what they can handle and never more than that! So what your sister went through that seemed miniature was alot for her! Now as you go into 2015 remember how strong you were last year! And be stronger this year!Rely on God and he will supply all of your needs and will never give you more than you can bare! Happy New Year again from the Croydon Pinky Promise."


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