WAKING UP TO WISDOM-[another Instagram post]

"People may not always see the treasure God has placed within you, so don't place too much value on the opinion of others. Trust that God knows what's in you and He will choose you even when others overlook you."
  • Speaking from a person that has been "overlooked" her whole life ever since I can remember, its so great to know that God will Never ever do that to me ; that God doesn't have respect of person "because of where you came from", "how much money you have", "your lastname-what family you come from","the popular people", "how educated you are"- none of these things matters to God. He accepts you for who you are regardless. He loves me just because and that feeling is Amazing I AM LOVED.

"Nothing Can Stop God's Plan for your Life."-Isaiah 14:27
  •  "God's plan for your life can't be stopped by a bad break, someone leaving you, an injustice or mistake. It's easy to think that because we aren't where we want to be in life, or we've made poor decisions or faced unfortunate setbacks that God's plans for our life are over. Nothing you have done or haven't done can cancel you from your destiny as long as you keep God first place and continually seek Him. When you don't see a way. God can make a way. When it looks like its over, God has the final say." -@bigshiz 
Good Morning! 



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